Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello from Kolkata!

Hello from Kolkata!

It is HOT and HUMID in Kolkata! Even though Bangalaru is farther south, it is located in the mountains. The altitude makes it quite a bit cooler. Kolkata is near the ocean so it is very hot and very humid. Our first two days here were dedicated to resting up for round two of VBS and ministry. I know my room slept most of our day. I think I hit 14 hours straight sleep.

Last night (Sunday) we went to Pareesh’s house out in a village where he hosts his church. The ride there was quite a bit different experience than what we’ve gotten used to in Bangalaru. Kolkata is very “jungle-esk” with palms and other tropical trees, grass huts, and some sort of lagoon farming lining the pathway.

Getting to see Pareesh’s church was really cool. He has several believers as well as a few Hindu men who have started coming to learn about his Jesus. There were about 40 of us in one room with 3 ceiling fans churning for all they were worth. After church his wife cooked a meal for us. She prepared curried chickpeas and poorie (a really yummy fry-bread) that was delicious!

Today (Monday) will be the first day of VBS out in a village that Pareesh works in often. It is about an hour’s drive into the jungle from here. No electricity, and barely a dirt path for the cabs to drive. We will begin VBS after the children get back from school about 3:00. Hopefully it will be cooling off by that time.

This morning we ventured out to see Mother Teresa’s home, tomb, and the “headquarters” for the Missionaries of Charity (the order of nuns that Mother Teresa founded) that is still very much active. It was a moving experience, truly that woman was an amazing woman of God. Here are some of the photos that I took on the adventure out today. Enjoy!

Doorway to the missionaries of Charity's Mother House. They run about 12 different ministries around Kolkata, (Children's Home, The House for the Sick and Dying etc.) but this is the "home base" for everything.

Each morning the sisters decorate Mother Teresa's tomb with fresh flowers in this way. Spelling out, "Love Until It Hurts."

A few sisters sit in with her tomb for prayer and reflection.

The flowers from the previous day are put out for visitors to take as a rememberance. Totally free, you can just pick some up if you would like.

These next photos I snapped from the cab. Just a taste of what the sites look like here:

Kiddos begging on a street corner. Of course dad gave them all the coins he had. :-) 
They sure were cute!

During the hottest parts of the day businesses virtually stop. everyone finds shade and waits for a breeze or the sun to lower a bit. Even the people who have lived here all their lives think it's too hot to do anything!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Trip Update

Just a note to update on our adventures in India. The past three days we have been going non-stop as we finished out our last days in Bangalaru.

VBS went very well and ended strong! We are still blown away and blessed beyond belief by the opportunity to work with the Indian church members. Such a great experience getting to be The Body of Christ together with new friends on the other side of the world.

Boys showing off their cups of snow. Jesus' blood washes us white as snow!

Auntie Cooweesta helping do crafts.

Moses and Santosh helping out two of the kiddos.

Mattie and Lynn representing from Virgina!

Look at the Joy in this "old" woman's face! They say you're only as old and you act. and being willing to traps across Asia keeps you young in my book. ;-)

Mom and little Gopi!

Such a cutie!

Russ. Keeping us in line and manning one of the many cameras. Looking good!

My new little brothers. Aaron, (Dad,) Samuel, and Moses.
(Both Moses AND Aaron are smiling in this one! I told you I'd get one!)

Thursday night after VBS wrapped up we were honored by the church members we had been working with all week. When we arrived at the church we got to watch a special song and dance they had prepared just for us. It was neat seeing the dance and choreography including a giant India flag and balloons! After the dance Babu said some special words of encouragement about each one of us and they "garlanded" us with huge, beautiful, and very sweet smelling flower garlands. Next came a "Traditional Indian Love Feast" with many many dishes that had been prepared to give us the chance to taste many Indian dishes. It was very special and reminded me of when Paul's tells us to outdo each other in honor... we were defiantly out-done that day. It was so very very special!

Note: This footage is very raw. Just wanted to show a quick taste of the evening.

The whole team with Pastor Babu and Dr. Sujatha.
Front: Alice, Russ
Back: Len, Mattie, Karen, Albert, Cindy, Cooweesta, Sharon, Suji, Babu

Friday was the realization of a long-term dream for Pastor Babu, his wife (Dr. Sujitha) and the entire church. We were able to celebrate the opening of a medical clinic that will be run by Babu's wife. She is going to provide very low-cost Family Health care to the people in the area of the city near the church. They have big plans and big dreams for the clinic that are very God-sized and will be effective in bringing people to Christ.

Suji told me in an interview that the clinic will point people to Christ who can heal their hearts while He grants her the wisdom to heal their bodies. God connected the resources of AIM with the faith and dreams He has given this little church in India. It was so cool to be a part of this day and I am looking forward to how I can be a part of the expansion of this ministry!

Ready to begin the Ceremony.

Such a big day in this families life! Isn't it cool when God asks you to have faith and then comes through in an awesome way?!?!?!!

These two shared a touching moment during the ceremony. After praying for his wife, Babu said some encouraging, "Can you believe this actually happened?" and "You will do wonderful things in the name of the Lord!" type-things to Suji. She then stood up and said, "They say that behind ever successful man is his wife, but behind my success is this man of God, my husband."


Dr. Sujatha

The first patient! Many of the church members were there to celebrate! Suji gave anyone who wanted one a check-up and afterwards many of them pray for her or gave her a hug or a gift.

An actual patient. This woman and her husband live down the street. They saw the commotion and wanted to come see Dr. Sujatha. They are a Hindu family and Suji was able to do an initial consultation and set up a follow up appointment. Then Suji asked if she could pray for the woman. She agreed and then asked, "Christian?" Suji, beamed! "Yes! Christian!"

We then said our goodbyes with a birthday party for Suji.

Fun story: Indian traffic is crazy, and we are in "pre-monsoon" season (Monsoon officially starts this coming week.) Last night during the hardest rain I've even seen in my life we loaded up into the van for what was supposed to be a 15 min drive to a nice restaurant. Apparently somewhere near our hotel a large tree fell over a main road and stopped traffic.

TWO HOURS LATER... we made it to the restaurant just in time to order before they closed the kitchen! After dinner we went back to the hotel with Babu's family and enjoyed cake and ice cream at 12:30 in the morning.

I am currently on a plane to Kolkata somewhere over the east coast of India. I'll post this as soon as I'm somewhere with wifi and have a chance to pull out some pics. We're all pretty exhausted and are looking forward to the chance to rest today and some of tomorrow. I am excited to meet Pastor Pareesh and see what all we will get to be a part of in this city. I'm also excited to take a tourist excursion to Mother Tereasa home, order of nuns, and grave. I think it will be a neat experience.

"Thug Life Alice!!"

Yeah, we're all pretty pooped!

We've heard about the storms and tornados back home and have been praying for safety for everyone. Mom says that if our house blows away... would someone at least send us a text or fb message so we can know before we get there?" Ha! So glad she's my mom!

Be sure to check out the post below titled "Meet Shanti" to read about an amazing woman and one of my many new friends.

Meet Shanti

Shanti is a school teacher. Some schools have already started back by the time we arrived in Bangalaru, but she took her vacation days to be at the church doing VBS with us. Shanti is very matter-of-fact. She doesn't beat around the bush, nor is she afraid to tell you how it's supposed to be. The children loved and respected her for this.Shanti's smile is full of light and her heart if full of joy. Her worn hands are kind, and her spirit is sweet.

One day I was sitting amongst the kiddos near her during VBS. Some of them asked her how old I am. When I told her I am 26 her eyes got big and she laughed a little. I smiled knowing she must have thought me older or younger and I asked her which.

"I thought maybe 19 or 20. You are 26? You are not married yet?"

I smiled, I knew to expect this type of reaction to a 26 year old girl who is not married, so I wasn't offended at all. In India a woman past 23 or 24 and not married must have something is wrong with her. I said, "No, but I'm praying about it."

Shanti smiled big and said, "I will pray for you too. That God will bring you a husband. It is time. Two or three years ago... it is time."

There is that "matter-of-fact"-ness. I laughed and we chatted a little bit more about some of the differences in marriage customs between the US and India.

After the last day of VBS the church members honored us that evening with a ceremony and a dinner. After watching the dance they had prepared for us I sat next to Shanti and showed her my anklet. Many of the women/girls in this area wear anklets so I had taken one of my longer necklaces and wound it around my foot. I thought she would be excited that I was trying to adopt an India custom.
Instead she tilted her head a little and asked, "Where is next one?" Pointing to my chainless foot.

"I only have one."

"No. You wear two. Where is next one?"

"Um, I only have one. I've seen girls wear these-"

Before I could continue to explain she said, "No, you need two." And sure enough, I looked around. There were a few women with them on that night and they each had a matching set. I have to laugh at her personality, she meant no offense to me. She considers me a friend and was just letting me know that I was not doing it correctly!

When it was time to eat, Shanti grabbed my arm and led me around the table that held buckets and buckets of India foods. She made sure that I got a little of everything. (Even the fish. If you know me you'll laugh. "Weather you eat or drink..." was my mantra, all the way through the bones and skin. Yeah for experiences!)

Shanti even made sure I knew how to eat each dish. Indians do not eat with utensils. It's fingers all the way and sometimes it can be tricky for us uncultured Americans. She showed me which dishes you pick up with bread and which sauces you mix with which rices. Then before I sat down she told Sharon and I that this was a Traditional India Love Feast. The woman of the church had each prepared a special dish for us to try and sample all the tastes of India! It was amazing and such a blessing that they wanted to honor us!

My final memory of Shanti comes from Friday. We were able to be celebrate the opening of a medical clinic near the church. Pastor Babu's wife, Dr. Sujatha (affectionately called Suji,) will run the clinic full time at a very reduced price for the people of the neighborhood. Their vision is to be able to give medicines and exams to the poor and point them towards Christ to heal their hearts as He also grants Dr. Sujatha wisdom to heals their bodies. It was so exciting to get to witness the opening and dedication of the clinic to the Lord in the midst of a very spiritually dark area.

Many, many, many of the people we had been working with all week came to celebrate and after the ribbon cutting and confetti most of them got "check-ups" as well. They would come in, sit on the exam table and Suji would take their blood pressure and check blood sugars. After the check-up they would hug Suji's neck and say some encouraging words to her.

Shanti was busy with the celebrations out on the street and didn't come in for her check up until just before we left. Suji, Shanti and about 3 or 4 more woman crowded in. It was like a group of girl-friends at a party. I couldn't understand a word they were saying, but the fun they were having was evident. Suji had to shush Shanti because she was talking too much and too loudly for the stethoscope to be of any use.

After the check up was complete Shanti gave Suji a long hug and I think she prayed for her too. When they stepped apart there were large tears in both the woman's eyes. Then one of the other woman said something and everyone laughed loudly while wiping away tears.

"Can you tell me what's happening?" I asked not wanting to interrupt the moment, but wanting to understand it.

"Tears of joy." Suji said.

That was all I needed to understand. These women have prayed together for 2 or 3 years and were finally seeing this God-sized dream become a reality. Shanti, along with the rest of us in that room, were overwhelmed in that moment by the goodness of our God.

I'm so thankful for Russ, Alice, and AIM. I'm thankful God has connected the people of faith, the dreams, and the resources needed to make His plans a reality.

I am also thankful for my new friend Shanti. She is a woman of faith, a woman of prayer, and a woman of great joy. I will not forget her,and will be seeing her again. I just know it!