Also we watched the parade. It was a fun mix of brightly colored costumes and all the traditional characters in their safari outfits. Parades are always fun. :-)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dad's Trip Days 1 & 2
Also we watched the parade. It was a fun mix of brightly colored costumes and all the traditional characters in their safari outfits. Parades are always fun. :-)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I passed.
I can say with full confidence that you are SAFE at Disney. I actually am impressed by how much emphasis is put on safety and in the training and throughout the job. I know that there have probably been accidents, but if you consider how many people go through each of the's impressive. To make my day even a little more stressful...the entire ride was being inspected while I was taking my tests. So my assessor was being assessed on how well he assessed me! I spent about 20 mins at each position running it by myself, then my assessor would ask me more questions about the console I was operating or the emergency evac procedures.
I don't remember if I explained this or not, but everything at Disney develops from a story. All the rides (and even the stores/most eating places) have stories that you experience as you go through them, some of them are more obvious than others, but they all have one. It is how the designers organize the theme. Instead of just putting a ton of toy story stuff into a ride, they tell a story as you experience it. Our Story is this: Andy, (You'll remember from the movies is the kid that owns buzz and woody and the gang) has just gotten a new game, Midway Mania, and while he is gone all the toys are trying it out. The guests are "transformed" into a toy when they enter the building. The que line is a maze through Andy's toy box, complete with 5 foot crayons, 7 foot card houses and a life size, talking Mr. Potato Head. When they make it up the stairs and out of the toy box they get a turn to try Andy's new game. You board the vehicles and then ride into the box that the game is kept in and that is where you play.
It is very fun for me. I really enjoy it. The way my ride is set up everyone is trained on everything and we work our shifts in continual rotations, this way we can trade shift with each other easily and if if management needs to move us around quickly they don't have to explain our new job to us. It's cool I think because I'll be doing the same things as the people who have worked on Toy Story since it opened last June. Rotation includes a lot of things. Here is a short list of a few of them.
Preparing the 3D glasses for cleaning. Yes, at Disney they are cleaned and disinfected EVERY time they are used, so don't be grossed out.
Work the load/unload consoles. Put guests into cars and secure the doors and lap bars on the vehicle.
Greet guests as they enter the Pixar Studios. This includes everything from helping with the fast pass machines, parking/watching strollers, and just being around to help with questions and getting people into the correct lines.
Create a Magical Moment. Seriously, sometimes our rotation will give us 30 mins to share some pixie dust.
Operate Mr. Potato Head. He is a "life size" interactive animatronic that entertains guests while they wait in the que lines. We control him from another room using touch screens, cameras, and microphones. It is all preprogrammed, but it is also interactive, I had the cutest little girl talking with him yesterday. They traded jokes and danced together and she even picked Mr. Potato Head as her favorite toy (over Buzz and Woody). I really enjoy operating him.
So, there are a lot of words and no pictures...sorry my computer is still down, but there is at least an idea of what I'm up to. Like I've said over and over again, i love it here. Last night my room mates and I were talking and all the sudden one of them started giggling. When we asked what was so funny she just said, "I can't believe it guys...we work for DISNEY!!!" It's true, occasionally we just get giggles (sometimes pixie dust does that) because we are loving it so much. Sorry again for so many words and no pictures, but hopefully it won't last too long.
Comment and tell me what you wanna hear about. Later.
*The main passenger loading console. (No one can get out of the station unless the Load 1 says they can)
**Signal 25 is a fire, which you should not confuse with a Signal 22 (a guest altercation) or an Operations 101 (Ride is not working) or Operations 102 (Ride is back to functionality). You also shouldn't confuse it with about 12 other terms that I was specifically told I could not talk about with anyone but cast members.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
No Computer
Friday, January 16, 2009
This is gonna be a long post so I've split it into pictures and stories for easy tracking. :-)
On Tuesday night all 6 of my apartment mates and I went to Downtown Disney and watch Bride Wars then had dinner at Planet Hollywood. It was good times. My apartment buddies are all pretty cool. I don't have any major complaints about any of them. ;-) We all seem to be getting along pretty well. I have been really concious (more than I normally am) of trying to be a good witness to them. The books dad had the staff read before I left (Unchristian and Just a Walk Across the Room) have been replaying in my mind a lot. From left to right thier names are (top) Tracy, Olivia, Me and (bottom) Tiffany, April, Dariana (we just call he Dee). We've been having fun together. :-)
Wednesday morning we went through the first of our many days of training and at the end of it we were awarded our Cast Member IDs. So, that night I went to the Magic Kingdom. My first time in Walt Disney World! I thought the fireworks were at 7 so I got there about 6:30. When i found out that they were actually at 8 I went to ride the Pirate ride. :-) It was cool, I haven't seen it since they redid it to add Jack Sparrow and Davey Jones. It was pretty neat at the beginning of the ride they have some sort of mist that they project Davey Jones and a waterfall on. So it looks like you're going to get doused but then you just pass through Davey Jones's face. It's pretty cool. Then I watched the fireworks (which were stinking sweet) and rode the mono rail all the way around and came home. It was a pretty good day.
I know I've told you that my park is Disney's Hollywood Studios, but I found out my actual attraction today...Toy Story Midway Mania. Its currently the Park's newest attraction. When American Idol opens in April it will still be the park's newest ride. I haven't been on it yet, but they tell me it's like a giant 4D videogame, where you are the character as you ride through it. It keeps your score and they say that lots of guests will wait the hours to ride it again just to try and beat thier score. I'm really excited.
We toured the entire park today (It looks pretty cool with no one in it.) and I absolutely love it! It's chalked full of little movie things, plus really really BIG movie things. :-) Fun stuff like the Sci-Fi Dine-in theater. Each table at the restuarant is a car, faceing a movie screen. Some of the waiters use rollar skates and they do fun stuff along with the movies being shown. For instance during a horror flick from the 50s there is a shot where a woman screams at whatever the villian is that is coming after her. So all the waiters turn to the screen and scream with her whenever it plays, then go right on with thier conversations. Another is a diner where everying is "homestyle". "Mom" is the cook. "Aunt_____" and "Uncle_______" are your servers, and they do fun stuff like...if you put your elbows on the table you have to stand in the corner. Or, if you go to the bathroom and don't remember what color the soap is when you come have to go back to wash your hands. Ha!
Nametags...apparently there is a lot of words on this tag. Other than "KAREN" and "OK STATE UNIV STILLWATER" and "Walt Disney World" and "Where Dreams Come True". It also says "I know everything about everything, please just ask me!" It becomes invisible the moment you touch it, so I can't see it anymore. ;-) We got our "Earning My Ears" badge today too. We have it all through our training as well as for one week after we've completed training. It's supposed to let other people know that we're new and might not know everything about everything right at first.
1. Every guest (or you might just say everyone) has incredible value and deserves all of my attention and respect.
2. When all is said and done, there is no substitue for truth, integrity and ethical conduct." -Bob Iger (current CEO of the entire Walt Disney company)
3. Sucess come from a combination of Faith, Trust and a little bit of Pixie Dust. (Hmm, this sounds familiar except change those last to words. :-)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Hollywood Studios
I'm ready to get started and get into a regular schedule. This whole, meet for 2 hours here, go stand in that line, hang-out at your apartment for 3 hours, come back and stand in this line, sign here, and here, and here, and here, and then date it please! Is getting really old. We can't have our park IDs until we've completed our training so I haven't even been able to get in yet, but I know it'll come soon. :-) When I get more info that is interesting*, I'll fill you in.
*As in not the stuff we learned this morning like, "You get two holes, use them wisely." (Speaking about our apartment walls.)
Monday, January 12, 2009
I'm Here!!
Tiny kitchen/dinning room.
Story from today: Most people have heard my "Scared of Ketchup" story, so if you have please skip this paragraph. When I went to my interview I was told that she would be interviewing two of us at once. I didn't really like the idea because I was afraid that would make it really competitive, but I didn't complain. It ended up working in my favor. My interview buddy was late, didn't have her interview sheets, and had some pretty crazy answers. The best one was when she told the interviewer that she couldn't work in the resturants because she had a fear of ketchup. And she said it with a straight face, because apparently she was serious. It was so hard not to laugh at her right then and there.
So today while I was going from line to line I happened to see my interviewer. She came over and said hi and "Welcome to Disney" to which I responded "Well, thanks for letting me in!" And I kid you not, she smiled back real big and said, "Well, at least you're not afraid of ketchup." We laughed and my line moved on, but I'm guessing that ketchup girl didn't make it. HeHeHe.
If you wanna know anythign about what all going on just ask in the comments, I may not know yet, but if I do I'll tell ya.
I miss you guy, Karen.