Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
2 more days at the Toy Box :-) :-(
I'm also getting so ready to be back in Oklahoma for a while. It was so nice the few days I got to go home earlier and I'm looking forward to that "I'm home" feeling. I'm ready to see my best friend's new apartment, eat mom's food, mess with dad's head, go play with my jeep, and all that great summer stuff I love.
:-( and :-) I just don't know what to do with myself now. 2 more days as a Toy!
*They went ahead and told me tonight so they knew for sure I didn't already have plans with my room mates.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Last Days
Roommates (plus Tracy's Boyfriend) went to Jelly Rolls a few nights ago. It's a dueling piano bar. It was so fun. They guys who were playing were really good, nice voices and some serious skills on the keys. And for anyone who is wondering let me just spell out clearly that Karen still doesn't drink. So no worries. :-)
Random pic from that last night April was with us...we stayed up late talking and giggling and all that. This is a product of too much Dr. Pepper at 3 AM. HaHaHa.
A crew of April's friends came down to drive her back to Michigan. They were a ton of fun. I hope that I'm as inclusive of my friend's friends, as they were to me. :-) I went with them to play in the parks a little before work. Good times.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I made a video. Two days ago April and I went to watch the sunrise and she allowed me to play director. I know it's poor quality because it had to be small enough for me to upload, but other than that let me know what you think. Thanks.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
CP Graduation
Monday, May 4, 2009
Slumber Party
Friday, May 1, 2009
Chipped :-(
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunrise-Wrist Set
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Beach Day
Getting ready to take off. :-)
That plane felt...really, really close. I know it wasn't all that close, but it felt really close while we were up there.
We are on that tiny circle just above where the rope disappears.
We were spitting and counting how long it took to fall. At the highest point we couldn't watch it go all the way down. The most that we could see it was 16 seconds.
At the end they dip you in the water. It's a little scary, but pretty fun.
They actually did it to us twice. We think the boat boys were flirting with the 4 college girls on a slow day at the beach. ;-)
Monday, April 20, 2009
It was so nice to be home, in my own bed (which was my very nice 20th birthday present), sitting on my seat on the couch, and just doing the normal everyday stuff with my family. It was great. I woke up each morning and before I opened my eyes i smiled a little and thought to myself, "It's so nice to be home."
I have a little over a month left here in Florida which is both exciting and sad for me. I've loved this experience and don't wanna turn in my IDs, but I'm ready to be back with the people who love me the most. I also miss doing some of the more creative things that i did on a regular basis at Home. Making videos and things like that. I picked up a guitar while I was home too, and I've been playing a lot since I've gotten back. (I brought my guitar with me to Florida.)
The Flight home was an interesting experience. I've never had to spend the night in an airport before, but that one thing I can add to the things I've done list. My flight from Dallas to Orlando was supposed to leave at 8:30, first it was delayed until 10:35.
"Okay, inconvenient but I'll still get back. I'll go buy a book."
Then 11:15. "Ugh. I'm tired of this game. 6 chapters into Marley and Me. I'll call home and let them know what's going on."
Then (about 11:00PM) "Ladies and Gentlemen we're sorry for the inconvenience, we are try to get you out of here tonight and we're hoping nothing bad happens, so just be patient and we'll get back with you shortly." What?!? "Nothing bad happens? Is that you're way of telling us we're not leaving tonight...or that you hope we don't crash once we've taken off?"
5 mins later:"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're sorry about this but your flight has been cancelled the FFA only allows our crews to fly a certain number of hours at a time and the entire crew has reached the limit. Usually we have stand-by crews on hand just in case, but all our stand by crews have been used this evening. Again, your flight has been cancelled."
:-( :'-(
I waited in the long line to get re booked and was able to get on a 7:10 flight out the next morning. It would get me home in time for work but would make staying in a hotel for the night a very slim possibility. Thus Spatchual and I found a cot and blanket and shivered it out for the night.
You know those messages you hear in the airports every 10-15 mins? "Don't leave you bags unattended." "If you see anything suspicious you should report it." etc? well, they don't turn them off at night. Nor do they dim the lights, or turn off or down the TVs. It was very cold, and I was traveling without luggage so i had nothing to layer with, and my backpack made for a very poor pillow.
Needless to say I didn't sleep much. I actually spent most of the night on the floor under a row of chairs with my cot propped up against them to create a little dimmer area. It also helped me not feel quite so weird about falling asleep in plain view of about 40-50 people I had never met before. I got up around 6 because I wasn't sleeping anyway and we very VERY cold. Spatchual decided he needed some hot chocolate and a doughnut to make himself feel I obliged and by 7:10 we were headed back to Florida. I slept for about 3 hours then headed to work for a late shift. Came home and crashed. :-)
Even though it was rough getting back...I'm so glad I got to go home. I loved the time I got to spend with my family and the friends I got so see while I was there. :-)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Sunday
My Excuse: -We are very busy at work, last week I clocked in 54 hours. It was the first of 3 "Forced 6th weeks" It means all cast members with regular "full time" hours are working and extra 6th day in addition to their regulars 5. I, just by chance* didn't have to be in Sunday until 3:15 and while when I first got my schedule I thought, "Sweet, I'll be able to go to church." the past couple of days (when I've been going in around 10-12 and staying til 11-1) had been thinking "Maybe I'll just sleep in."
But I went anyway. And am so very glad I did. I would have missed out on a huge blessing if I had not.
Something that really concerns me these days is the way the Church as a whole relates to the world. I'm afraid that we've been cooped up inside our buildings so long discussing carpet, the music, and how Jesus came for those sinners outside our walls that we may have lost touch with the fact that we ARE those sinners and the ones who are actually outside our walls don't see anything different in us than in themselves. I am seeing an effort to change in lots of different places, and I'm really excited about that.
I really enjoy attending First Baptist Orlando, for that reason. I see so many things in that worship service and just the attitude of the whole church and the pastor that I agree with, and that reminds me of things my home church is looking to do. Last Sunday David Uth (the pastor at FBOrlando) said something to the "regular attendees" at the end of the service that I had to smile at because I'm pretty sure he stole it from my dad. He said, "Look forward to next Sunday. It's gonna be different than what you are used to. We are gonna be changing up the service because there are gonna be a lot of people here that we only get one shot to reach."
I loved the way they handled the Easter service. They began it, after a short video and choir special was just like a pretty tradition church service. The kind of thing that someone who hasn't been inside a church since last Sunday would expect. It wasn't boring (in fact there was such a feeling of excitement and celebration, largely due to the beginning video, that I immediately was glad I had decided to go) it was just traditional. Then the service progressed into a very contemporary service. David delivered a great message of hope (He's got the Keys) in short 5-15 min excerpts in between special music and congregational singing that got progressively more "now" if you will. Including, a team of ballet dancers (yes I said dancers in a Baptist Church) who did a dance routine on stage during one of the next to last songs. It was beautiful.
As I was sitting/standing there participating I remembered what David (and my father) had said about seeing lots of people on Easter, that you really only get one shot with. Surveying the progression of the worship service it was as if they began it traditionally to set people at ease, then slowly brought it along to show what it could be. I loved it. I'm so glad I went, it was so refreshing and I would have missed out on a huge blessing if I had chose not to go.
*I, in absolutely no way, actually believe that this was "just by chance".
Friday, April 3, 2009
Small World
There have been several changes at work in the past two weeks. "The Economy" has finally caught up with The Disney Company. We went through 3 days of lay-offs last week. That was a whole new expeireince for me. It was strange for two main reasons... the first was that it was "top heavy" (a lot of management and upper level positions) and nobody really knew it was coming. Toy Story had 9 managers 3 were let go and 3 were moved to other areas in the parks. Plus several other regular positions. I think Toy Story lost about 15 (out of about 60-70) of our regular cast. It was strange on those day and we've been working like crazy ever since making up for the bodies we're missing. I kinda felt bad being a CP (College Programer) because our jobs were about the safest and we're only here for a semester of two. It is still strange thinking about who I had gotten to know who aren't employed by disney anymore. The lay-offs are a big part of the reason I was going to work even though I was sick. CPs were pretty safe, but we were told to keep our record cards clean because they'd be looking for reasons to terminate slackers. I didn't want to have a string of "call-ins" right then.
On a more positive IS a small world after all.
Reason #1 -There are about 6-7 CPs at Toy Story. 3 of us are from Oklahoma. Carey and I were in OSU band together (we didn't know each other at the time...but we were) Becca is a Sooner and Carey and I give her as much grief as we can. ;-)
Reason #2 -Becca used to live in the same town I live in! No kidding, about 2 blocks away from my house. She and her family moved away about the same time my family moved there, but still in the same town.
Reason #3 -The Prince Caspian character greeting and Narnia attraction is right next to Toy Story and occasionally the friends of Prince Caspian come into our breakroom. Josh, a friend of Prince Caspian, was in our break room the other day. He said something that made me pretty sure he was from OK, TX, AK or someplace in the south. So I asked him. He said, "I'm from Oklahoma, can you tell?" So I asked him if he was a sooner or cowboy. He is a Cowboy, and when I asked him where he was from he replied, "Stillwater. well, not Stillwater but one of the little towns around it." I laughed because that's exactly what I say when people ask me where I'm from. He's not from the same town, but from one close to mine. Anyway, we saw each other in the parking lot after work yesterday and talked a little. He knows the Ripley's, used to eat at their restraunt and there were two or three other people we talked about that we both knew.
Reason #4 -Doug and Sandi are an olderish married couple who work on our ride as seasonal Cast Members. They are from Kansas. They were flying home to visit their family one weekend and we were talking about this and that. They asked me where I was from and when I told them ("Stillwater. Well, not Stillwater but one of the little towns around it.) Sandi goes, "Oh where, we might know it my sister used to live in..." MY TOWN!!!! I couldn't believe it. Sandi's sister worked at the same place my mom did for several years! It was crazy fun.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spring Break
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Family Time
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Rocket Launch
I got up today on my day off with no particular plans. I had some breakfast and decided to start working on making my list. The “list” consists of things that I said I wanted to do when I came to Florida or things that I would feel silly to tell someone, “I lived in Orlando for 5 months…but no, I never did that.” Some things on my list are: Spend a day at Sea World, Take Surfing Lessons at Ron Jons, Spend a day at Universal, Go to the Kennedy Space Center, etc. When I got to the Kennedy Space center one I decided to get online and see if they had any launches while I was here and they happened to be launching a rocket tonight!
It was a nice warm day so I took the top off my jeep (well, not I alone…I and a couple of roomies) and decided to head to the space coast to see what I could see. A couple of roommate were going to come with me, but decided not to when they found out it didn’t launch until almost 11. (It would take an hour to get back and they are running in a 5k at 6:30 in the morning.) By that point everyone had plans for the night so I just went alone. I drove to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor’s Center and asked about where I should go to get a good look at the rocket launch. The guy told me to drive to Cocoa Beach and then to find a nice spot on the beach. He said that the way the cost line curved pretty much anywhere on Cocoa’s Beach would have a nice view.
It was so neat! I got there and set up about an hour early and slowly more and more people trickled onto the beach to watch. About 10 mins after I got there a couple walked near me and we started a conversation. (I wasn’t shy before Disney…but Disney has trained me to be able to talk with anyone, anywhere) They were on vacation from Washington State and happened to visit the Space Center today where they were told about the launch. We talked about all sorts of things passing the time, waiting for something to happen. Then, all of the sudden we saw this…
Okay, yes, I jerked the camera too hard, too soon at the beginning and I’ve been kicking myself for it since I watched the replay the first time, but you do have to take into account this was my first time to video a rocket launch. It was so very, very cool. We were at least 20 miles away. I suck at judging distances, but I’d say we were more like 30-40 miles away and it lit up the entire beach for a long time. Another thing that impressed me was the sound. You can hear us talking over the waves in the beginning then right when she says something about it looking like a fireball you start to hear the rocket. It is so loud that for a few moments you can’t even make out the sound of the waves. It was a very, very cool experience. I’ve never seen anything like it. The ride home wasn't near at warm as the ride out there, but it really wasn't all that bad. I had packed jeans and a hoodie so a layer up and turned on the feet heat. Going to the Kennedy Space Center is still on the list…but something much cooler got added AND crossed off today.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
What Will You Celebrate?